Practice Self Care at Home in Your New Sauna

Purchasing a sauna for at home use has become more and more popular over the past few years. What used to be considered an excessive expense is now seen as an investment in one’s physical and mental health. There are 4 types of saunas: Dry, Steam, Infrared and Hybrid. Dry saunas are heated with fire, hot stones, gas or electricity. Steam saunas generate steam by pouring water onto the heating element. Infrared heaters are used in Infrared saunas to emit light that delivers radiant heat and is then absorbed into the skin. Hybrid saunas are a combination of either dry, steam or infrared heating. All types of saunas will deliver similar results, regardless of the heating method.

Some benefits of using saunas on a regular basis can include:
    •Detoxify heavy metals and chemicals from the body
    •Reduce risk of death from cardiovascular disease
    •Improves circulation
    •Improve muscle function and recovery
    •Boost endorphins

We’re not doctors, though! Please speak with your health professional before use.

At Sound Cedar, we sell sauna products from Golden Designs and Finlandia Sauna.

Golden Designs Saunas complete sauna kits are the newest product offered at Sound Cedar. Based out of California, Golden Designs Saunas offer traditional steam saunas, infrared and hybrid sauna kits that are then built by the customer or contractor. To learn more about Golden Designs, click here.

Finlandia Sauna has been in business since 1964. If you have a design in mind for a build-your-own sauna, Finlandia is a great source for heaters, lighting, vents, flooring and more.

To learn more about Finlandia Sauna, click here.

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